In Focus: Substance of Things Not Seen (Hebrews 11:1)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , ,
LinkOn Saturday evening, I exercised a great deal of faith. Not just my faith in God but I showed a great amount of faith in other people, technology, education, and more. I got on a plane.

OK so that seems like such a simplistic view but really, look at it.

To simply get on a plane takes faith in so many things. Aside from those who have really studied this stuff, there are very few who understand completely the science that allows a jet that can weigh over 108,000 pounds when full to drive to the end of a paved surface and lift off into the sky1. Oh and that is just the little 737 jet. The big brother 787-9 can take off with a weight of 580,000+ pounds.

Not only do we barely know the science that enables these massive beasts to lift off into the air, very few of us know the pilots, the engineers, the crew, the maintenance technicians, or anyone that really had anything to do with putting that aircraft together. No one, I presume, asked to see the maintenance logs before boarding their plane.

Yet I still got on the plane.

I exercised a great deal of faith in what I knew to be true. I have seen a plane go up in the air before though I can't quote you the exact reasons why (except by visiting wikipedia ;-) I have faith in Delta's organization that they prepare the planes correctly and that they have qualified professionals overseeing what is going on. I have faith that the people who have gone before us to ensure our safety have done a great job. Those who refuse to fly still exercise faith each time you drive across a bridge, walk upstairs, and even turn on a light.

On this trip my faith was well founded and it strengthened as we landed on the conclusion of yet another amazing journey.

Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

I look to the object of our faith spiritually. God. In this passage, the writer of Hebrews says that it is impossible to please God without faith. In order to come to Him we must first have faith that He exists. This is not a blind faith at all. In fact there are infinite examples of God's presence all around us from the order of creation, the moral law, the life of Jesus Christ, the revelation of Himself through His Word, the testimony of those who have a relationship with Him.

Yet we find faith in God difficult to come by.

Why is that? Has your faith been strengthened recently? Why or Why Not?

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Mind of the Moose: Back On Track After Guatemala

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , ,
Well John, Dale, and I made it safely back from Guatemala. I'm disappointed I couldn't blog as much as I had wished. The week went by far to quickly and was filled with so many amazing moments. The story I posted on Wednesday called "Guatemala Drama This Morning" was just the tip of the iceberg. The end of the week saw the three of us singing the praises of our Creator Elohim on top of a mountain overlooking Lake Atitlan with 3 volcanoes rising in the background (Click here to see the exact location)

Our time in Guatemala brought several verses to light for me. The one that sticks out the most I've used several times in the past day or two. It is this:

If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me
Psalm 139:9-10

Over the next week here on "Mind of the Moose" I want to share several moments that we were privileged to experience in Guatemala. I completel
y believe that God had everything planned for us and expected for us to be aware and ready to do His work while we were there. I would be honored if you would return to experience these with us as I relive them here on the 17:6 blog. It would mean even more to hear from you through the comments section about your thoughts on these moments. We would also love to hear about your life and where you have seen God clearly in your walk.

As for now, let me leave you with just one of the amazing scenes we encountered in Guatemala this week. There are several more to come. Those of you who have been to Antigua may recognize this view from the top of the Posada La Merced!

Thanks for reading.

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Where Speed Limits Are A Suggestion...

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , , ,
Pay attention to the speed at the beginning. You are seeing perfectly!

*No one was hurt during the filming of this video except for spotted monkey snails!

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In Focus: The Right Time (John 2)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , , ,
I hope and pray that your week has been great. As John, Dale, and I are out of the country, I reflect on how blessed I am to be able to work with youth. Sure you guys are facing a LOT of pressures but to see you fight through them is a very rewarding. I miss my family so much and I definitely miss my Frontline family as well. Read after the devo for a quick update on us.

I am so excited to be studying this chapter. So much of the story has me perplexed and asking explorative quesions. Let's look at what we know about the situation outside of what we see specifically in the words.

- This happens the 3rd day after arriving home in Galillee. The life of Christ was well chronicled following the initiation of His ministry. Galilee is Jesus home and it would have been familiar to him with numerous people still around that He grew up with.

- His mom was at the wedding. This marriage was a major event for her as well. The words used to describe her presence there indicate a relationship with the hosts that extends beyond just a general aquaintance.

- Jesus was invited to the event in a different manner. It was an honor to have him in their presence. Yeah!

- What else do you see happening here?

- Click the "Comment" link below and share!


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Mind of the Moose: Guatemala Drama This Morning

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , , ,
3:30am came extremely early this morning! Kristina told me to get her up @ 4am so we could be on the road by 4:30am. I quietly got dressed and worked downstairs to get things finalized before we left. We were in the van and on our way @ 4:37. We picked up Dale Mason and headed over to John and Alison's.

We headed down toward the on ramp @ exit 148 and began toward the Interstate when something seemed wrong. Brake lights were bright in the early morning darkness. There were also the familiar blue strobes of the police down the interstate. Traffic was at a standstill. Kristina quickly put on the brakes and pulled to the side of the ramp. We turned around and went back down the ramp and on to Route 54 south (The things you are able to do @ 4:45am!!) We followed the back roads up one exit to exit 150 where there was NO TRAFFIC AT ALL!

The trip to the airport was uneventful from there with the exception of Kristina breaking some land speed records for seemingly no reason except that it is rumored she has a heavy foot! We arrived at the airport around 5:30am and Kristina dropped us guys off to go park. Her, Alison and the kids were headed in after that. So John, Dale, and I approached the counter...

"Are the 3 of you together?" we were asked "Where are you going?"

We answered somewhat confused at the urgent almost rude manner in which we were asked.

"Quick, get your bags up here, let me see your ID, you have just a few'll have to run." Words were being barked at us that I couldn't understand their purpose. Our flight was to leave at 7:30am and we were 2 hours early! Then came the reason...

"The 7:30 flight is delayed and you will miss your flight to Guatemala, we're putting you on the 6:00am flight so you have to rush." We were told to take the elevator and that there was no time to waste. John was on the phone with Alison. They were rushing back around in the van. I ran out the door and sprinted down the road. I jumped in the van and kissed my family good-bye and sprinted back inside. Security told us we couldn't get on the elevator (we did). When we arrived on the 3rd floor the area was packed with pilots and special needs passengers. A worker came and kindly but a bit humorously asked why we picked this morning to come this way. We told her our situation...she paused...and then led us straight through to the x-ray. We ran to the gate, handed our tickets, boarded the plane and they closed the door.

We were in Atlanta 20 minutes before we were even supposed to originally board our plane in Raleigh. God only knows sometimes. We've spent the last hour talking about the "What if" scenarios.

All we can say is "GOD IS AWESOME!"

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FSM Weekly - May 20th, 2008

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under:

Tonight is a HUGE night for us. At 5pm we are hoping to see all of you at the Burlington Blue Ribbon Diner. From 5-10pm for everyone who comes and eats dinner, Blue Ribbon will donate 15% of their check to Mission:Guate'08!!! Please join us and bring your friends. Make sure to bring your flyer (Click here for flyer).

Let's blow away Blue Ribbon!! See you tonight!

FSM's New Look! - Have you looked around this site yet? ? Take a minute to do so! Each day a new blog post goes up with a devotion or thought that goes along with what we are studying in our weekly Bible Study. PLUS!!! The event calendar is up and running! Check it out. Eventually we will move all of over to this site. For now we need your feedback. So read the posts (and leave comments), check out the photo gallery (and leave comments). Link over to FSMtv to see other students and maybe even yourself in action! You can even play Pac-Man on the site! Let us know what you think! Mark as your homepage or in your favorites!

Parents - Just an FYI, I am planning on holding a few of parent meetings throughout the summer. These will hold the same information in each meeting. I am holding several to give you opportunity to be there and not miss because of vacation. When the schedule is released, please respond with the date will work for you. -Moose

Parents - Also... Let me encourage you again to take a look around the site for helpful information such as to find out what we are learning and for information on how best to get your child plugged into the youth. It would be GREAT for parents to engage their teen about what they are learning from God's Word. These devotions would be a great start...PLUS...starting next week, the StudentLife Parent Page will be available online as well!

2007-2008 Sunday Night Release coming to an end - June 28th will be the last Sunday night event until the beginning of September. You can however, make plans to "do life together" through the summer including Sunday nights!

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In Focus: (Matthew 6:13)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , ,
I know that most of you are never tempted with anything but I am just going to be honest and say that I've been tempted once or twice or a thousand times in my life, ok this year...month?!? WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT! I know what I should do and I truly want to do that which I am supposed to do...yet I still am tempted to procrastinate, to drink one too many sodas (and then I'm tempted to lie about how many sodas is too many :O). Talk about frustrations! The first person to know how tempted I am is me and when I fall into that temptation AAGGH! I just want to please God with my life. I want to make Him happy and yet I continue to do things that make even me mad.

I think Paul said it best when he wrote in Romans 6:18-25

And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power, Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.

Jesus Christ is the is the answer! He delivered us from the sin and the grip it had on our life. Sin is no longer our master telling us what to do. Instead we often volunteer for the job its offering. So here in Matthew He really describes a means of escape and refuge for the believer when He says in Matthew 6:13:

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

This again is another understanding of God's overarching influence and direction in the lives of His followers. The statements are a request in contrast. The first aspect is the person praying asking God to lead them on a road not filled with temptation. Remember this is a prayer for the time at most for the day. This was not a request that was to have a lasting impact on the rest of the believer's life. Instead it us a petition for protection during this day. It is as simple as saying "Lord I want to please you...I can NOT handle this temptation. Remove me from this so I can remain clean and in your presence."

Deliverance is what we seek from "The Evil One" and OF COURSE we would and should. Scripture defines him (The Evil) one as powerful, cunning and manipulative. From the early psalmist to the writers of the New Testament, we are to run for cover with the Father.

Man this is an awesome (yes Tracy awesome) section of Scripture as we get to this verse.

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In Focus: Forgiveness (Matthew 6:12)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , ,
So Jesus continues on with his thought. Just as daily we ask for the bread that sustains us, we need to keep a short account of the wrongs we need to confess to God. Each one of our prayers should be lined with the confession of sin in our heart. But the idea didn't stop there, Jesus says that we are to forgive in the manner of which we were forgiven. Forgiveness may cost us something but the recipient nothing. However the benefit to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ outweighs it all. Here are the familiar words of Jesus from Matthew 6:12.

Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

I was going to write a clever story about forgiveness (as I have needed it a time or two in my life). But none illustrate the measure of forgiveness we receive from the Father and the call for us to forgive in response than the story Jesus tells in Matthew 18. So instead of paraphrasing, read what Jesus had to say on forgiveness.

21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"

22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[f]

23"Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand talents[g] was brought to him. 25Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.

26"The servant fell on his knees before him. 'Be patient with me,' he begged, 'and I will pay back everything.' 27The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28"But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii.[h] He grabbed him and began to choke him. 'Pay back what you owe me!' he demanded.

29"His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, 'Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.'

30"But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31When the other servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32"Then the master called the servant in. 'You wicked servant,' he said, 'I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?' 34In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

35"This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

The subject of forgiveness is often a difficult one. Relationships end on a daily basis because of the inability to forgive. As a follower of Christ, that should not be how we are looked upon. The very opposite is true. We are to be known, to be remembered for our ability to forgive others. Ephesians 5:2 tells us that as we are imitators of God, we are to live a life of love. I Corinthians 13 defines what that life of love would look like. Verse 5 says that love is not easily angered and that it keeps no record of wrongs.

So quite simply, if we truly want to follow Jesus Christ, we MUST forgive as He has forgiven us. End of story.

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In Focus: Don't Drink From Firehoses (Matthew 6:11)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , ,
For two verses now we have been realizing our position in comparison with God. Most importantly, Jesus tells us through this prayer that we are to have a proper view of God and just how great He is. There is no one like Him anywhere. We've honored His name and we've shared our heart about how we see Him as the only One we serve. We've renewed our commitment to Him as king of our lives, our heart, and our mind.

Now Jesus changes gear slightly and makes a request of the Father:

"Give us this day our daily bread"

So we've been dealing with things like majesty, glory, honor, kingdoms, etc. and suddenly, Jesus turns the discussion to bread? What is that all about.

Not much has changed in the bread world lately. The texture is much the same as it always has been. It has a variety of tastes according to what is added to it. However, the basics of bread making haven't changed much. Bread has been one of the staples in human diet for most all of recorded history. Think of the movies you watch when you see someone who has been starving...what is the thing they grab and eat when they get to food. If it is on the table, they reach for the bread and chomp away (a little too dramatically at times I must say).

All of this is important because that is precisely why Jesus uses images of bread throughout His ministry. (I am the bread of life -John 6:35). Here He instructs us to ask for what it will take to get us through the day. This is an act of submission once more because it causes us to realize that everything it takes to make it through the day is a gift of God. From the breath that fills our lungs, the food that gives us energy, the water that fuels us, the relationships that fulfill us, the work that provides for us, the shelter that covers us, the leaders that lead us, EVERYTHING that allows us to go on is a direct result of His provision. Psalm 3:5 says it very simply:

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.

Understand that Jesus is not saying we can't think or pray about the future. However, it is important that we not take fore granted the tremendous gifts we've been given simply to make it through this day. Daily we should acknowledge with gratefulness the life and time He has given us to serve Him here! When we realize this. I mean REALLY realize that nothing we have is of our own doing, we can't help but live gratefully day to day for all we've been given.

Today, make a list of everything you can think of it takes to make it through a day. I mean GET SPECIFIC. List all of them out (i.e. Sun, breathe, food...) Fill up a page. Maybe carry the page with you and write everything down throughout the day. Tomorrow, ask God (instead of expecting) for what it takes to make it through the day. Careful though, it is humbling!

Share your thoughts on what most people, maybe even you, take fore granted without thinking that it is only through God's provision we have it.

I can't bring myself to change the name of this post. Originally, the post had to do with asking for more than we needed and comparing it to trying to drink from a fire hose. It was actually a clever illustration that was not at all my own. However, it would up being left out and I forgot to change the name. It was a day later before I saw it. So...whatever ;-)

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In Focus: History Channel Theology (Matthew 6:10)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , ,
I sit and watch the History Channel just about every night. Once a basketball game bores me, I just need to watch something with substance. What does this have to do with Matthew 6:10 you say? I'm glad you asked. As we said before, Jesus is talking here and when He is telling us how to do something, we had better listen. I promise I'll bring in how my TV watching helped my thought on this matter but for now let's listen to Him...

"your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

No $2.00 Bible words to look up today but again, we often read over this and do not give it the attention it deserves. What does Jesus mean when He tells us that this is what we should pray? The key to this phrase is the word "kingdom." During His time here on earth, Jesus preached over and over that the kingdom is at hand. Here we align ourselves in agreement with Him in saying that it is our desire as well. We are also in acknowledgment of Him as King.

Now enters the History channel. So much of this world's history is centered around kings and kingdoms. From the ancient civilizations we read about to modern day empires. One in particular made me think of something similar to what Christ was speaking about here. Late in the 18th century, there were 13 established colonies here where we now call the United States. Though the people who lived here did not physically reside in England, they were citizens of that land. Those who lived there lives as loyal subjects to the king of England lived in such a way to make this land as much like England as possible. They lived by the laws of the king, they acknowledged him as their leader. They did his will here as it was done in England. Of course as an imperfect ruler, the King abused his power and some of the loyal subjects rebelled...and the United States were formed.

Jesus here says that we are to admit to God that He is in charge of our lives. We are asking that God's will would be done here on earth just as much as it is in heaven. God has absolute reign in the heavenly realms. Here on earth, we are all subject to His authority even though he gives us free choice. We are saying with this statement that we want to see His will accomplished here just as much as it is in heaven. This begins with us. This should not be a burden to us! Rather it should be the desire of our heart. (Psalm 1:2)

So the question today is this. Is God completely "in charge." Don't give "the right" answer. Instead truly evaluate your own personal life and answer that for yourself. Take a second and share one way in which we live like citizens of heaven while still on earth. In serving the King, what do you do that might be different if you weren't serving Him?

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In Focus: The Name of God (Matthew 6:9)

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , ,
Have you ever read a verse that had word's in it that...well to be honest are only used in the Bible and rarely even in church settings? Matthew 6:9 is an incredibly important verse in Scripture. Jesus has just explained to his listeners what kind of behavior the Father can not stand. He goes on to explain how pointless arthe prayers of hypocrites. We then come to the section in Matthew 6 where Jesus gives us specific instruction. As a follower of Christ, when I read that Jesus said "Do this" I feel that warrants every aspect of my attention. So I begin to read verse 9 of Matthew 6 and it says:

"This, then, is how you should pray:" Pretty clear that He is going to show us an example. OK I'll be quiet. Let's listen on as He tells us how we should pray.

"Our Father in Heaven" OK so here we open up by directing our prayer specifically toward an individual. We are to pray to God the Father. We'll talk about His attribute of being omnipresent but here we acknowledge the Heaven from which He rules all of Creation.
With this statement we begin to acknowledge His place as ruler and our place as His loyal subjects.

"Hallowed be your name" There it is! Do you see it? It's the Bible verse word that I don't think I've EVER used outside of reading the verse. I'm not sure I've ever used it in a church setting except again when reading the Bible out loud. It's the word "hallowed." Most of the time we move on understanding that if Jesus used such a large word it must have been important so that's good enough. No it's not. Every word of Scripture, especially those spoken by Jesus carry such significance that it is never OK to 'just move on.' So before we move on the rest of the prayer, let's focus today on this one word because through our prayers, we are to make God's name "Hallowed."

If you look at the many translations of the Bible from KJV to NIV, from RSV to the NASB, most all of the literal translations of the Bible use the word "hallowed" in this verse. Some of the paraphrases and thought for thought translations of the Bible use the word "revered" and "holy" in this place.

So let's take a look at what word Matthew used when he wrote down what Jesus said. The word as it would be spelled with English letters is "Hagiazo" (Ha-gee-ad'-zo). This word comes from the Greek word that means Holy. This literally means that we are asking for God's name to be made Holy. As described by the Greek scholars it means to be set apart, to be held separately from profane things, to be cleaned or cleansed. It is an active word which means that it is what we say and do that fulfills this statement. Remember the statement was not that we were asking God to be hallowed but rather His name. One of the biggest reasons so many translations have retained this word is for familiarity that people have associated with this verse.

We have the opportunity with our words, with our actions, with our thoughts, etc. to bring glory to God's name or to bring shame to His name (Romans 2:24). So as we come before the Father and acknowledge Him as King of all on His throne in Heaven, let's make sure that with every effort we have, we are attempting to make his name Hagiazo throughout our world.

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In Focus: 3x15 Challenge

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , ,

Continuing with the theme of last weeks call to time alone with God, Frontline challenges you in your walk with Christ to separate yourself from all distractions and spend 15 minutes alone with God 3 times this week.

Rules of the challenge:
  1. This time must be thought out, planned, and prepared for

  2. There is to be no music, cell phone, TV, or outside distraction available (not even within reach.

  3. These 15 minutes should be spent in prayer according to Matthew 6:9-13

"This, then, is how you should pray:" 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' (Matthew 6:9-13, NIV)

Remember that this is an index prayer...Jesus said that this is how we should pray not necessarily just what we should say. In your 3x15 challenge, focus on the following aspects.

  1. Honoring His Name- Take time to share with God how great you personally believe He is. Here are some of the listed attributes of God: Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (everywhere), Omniscient (all knowing), just, righteous, patient, good, mighty, king, everlasting, holy, changeless, love, truth, wisdom, peace. Use some of these in elevating His name. Make sure that as you prepare to do this that you are honoring his name with your life as well.

  2. Ask What He Wants First- Our goal in life should be to honor His desires here on earth just as they are honored in heaven. Just because for the moment we are not in His city doesn't mean we are any less accountable to Him. Ask for you desires to become more like His desires for us. Prayer will begin to tune our hearts into his plan for us and the world around us.

  3. Ask For Your Needs- Be careful to recognize the model that Christ gave. He asked for just enough for today. This is an indicator of the level we handle on top of a consistent daily walk with Him. We don't need to ask for tomorrow's "bread" when He will be with us then too! Lift those around you and their needs too.

  4. Forgiveness - Ask for it and receive it. Quite simply and yet amazingly, you are forgiven simply by the grace of God. Now go and extend that grace to those who have offended you. This world is too small and life too short to hold a grudge. Deal with the issue.

  5. Run To The Shelter- Ask for your eyes to be opened to temptation and the tricks of the enemy. Resist the enemy's onslaught with everything at your disposal (God's Arsenal). Give no space for sin to creep in!

Feel free to add more thoughts about this or a response to participating in this in the comments section below!

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Mind of the Moose: Get ONE thing right

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , ,
Since we are changing our form of communication somewhat (OK a bunch), I now have the opportunity to share my heart with students, parents, and pretty much anyone who happens upon the site. I'll try and post the "Mind of the Moose" a couple times a week intermixed with devotionals and the FSM Weekly Update. But this one is unique in that it is the first. So I thought I would lay the basics down about where my heart is at right now in reaching the youth of our community.

I spent the morning reading through some of The Barna Group's research ( I found it staggering to learn the number of people who don't believe in the authenticity of God's Word. 88% of those considered to be "Born-Again" Christians believe that the Bible is accurate in what it says. The number drops sharply when we look at this generation to well below 50%. In fact, the number of people age 12-22 that are classified as evangelical Christians is around 5%. The article is fairly long but describes how this generation is continuing to disassociate itself with Christianity and in doing so with Christ Himself. (Read the Article)

So what's the point of youth ministry? Jesus Christ. There is nothing more. Nothing greater. The point is not music (though music is a powerful tool to lead us before His throne). The point is not games (though some powerful illustrations can be made through a good one). The point is not social time (though the fellowship of the body of Christ is critical). The point is not to have the largest group (though a living vibrant group will grow as people are drawn to Christ. You get my point? It is Jesus Christ alone and the Word of God which leads us to understanding our relationship with Him.

The statistics and my experience show that we have done a poor job teaching the Word of God to our youth. Maybe because it hasn't been important enough in our own lives. Maybe it's because we are unsure of our own commitment to his Word. Whatever the case is...we've done poorly. So I move to this...

Before Frontline emphasizes music, we will become excellent at studying His Word. Before Frontline becomes a social draw, we will become excellent at studying His Word. Before Frontline becomes a great family, we will become excellent at studying His Word. As our students grow in His Word...they will express themselves through music, drama, the arts, etc. As they grow in His Word, they will have an inexpressable desire to share it with everyone. As they grow in His Word, they will live it out.

So tonight...we study the Word. Maybe tomorrow we'll do more but we have to get this ONE thing right!

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FSM Weekly - May 14th, 2008

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , , , , ,
Let's Communicate!
Communication with you the students and parents of Frontline Student Ministries is a key element to our success. However in this day and age of SPAM, FWD:'s, and just worthless junk, we hardly read anything we receive. We view thousands of billboards, commercials, emails, websites, banner ads, flyers, etc. that all beg for our attention. We inadvertantly begin to dismiss everything into our virtual "junkmail" folder in our brain. Yet the need to get you information about Frontline has only increased! So here is a solution...

We are moving over to this blog. Here we will post the weekly update for you to visit whenever you need. You can still access the pictures...over there on the right. There will be plenty of FSM videos (on the FSMtv channel on YouTube). The Frontline Calendar is located on the bottom of the blog (and through the link over on the right). So 24/7 you will be able to access information about Frontline. You can also communicate with FSM leadership through the site by commenting on the posts (such as this one) or by emailing us.

We need you to...
  • Visit the site on at least a weekly basis (Mark it in your favorites)
  • Try and visit us on a daily basis (Make it your homepage!)
  • We will try and have new articles, photos, and videos daily
  • You will always be up to date with FSM info!
  • Send FSM info to parents, students, and friends who aren't in the loop.
  • Be proactive: We need your help getting the word out! Ask others from FSM if they are getting the news!
  • Email friends the links to new posts to be sure they are getting the info. At the bottom of each post is a small envelope icon. Use this to send the info out!
  • COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT: Part of communication is hearing back from you! Comment on the articles so we know you are there and what your thoughts are!


Tonight (Wed. 5/14/08): TruFocus:Wednesday Nites - While teaching His disciples, Jesus gave them a model prayer to guide them in communicating with God. Tonight we will learn the basic elements of prayer that Christ has given us!

Tonight (Wed. 5/14/08): Meetup@ Moby's - Following TruFocus we will head down to Moby's (1353 S Church St., Burlington) for some coffee, pastries, games, and hang out time. We usually hang out there until about 8:45pm.

Friday Night (5/16/08): Indiana Jones Trilogy - 6pm until ??? all 3 movies in one night so that you can be caught up for when the new movie comes out. Plus it'll be fun!!! BRING YOUR OWN SNACKS!!! Location is to be decided by how many are coming. Please RSVP to if you plan on coming!

Saturday Afternoon (5/17/08): Narnia - 2pm - 4pmish -Join up with the group headed to this movie @ West End Cinema. RSVP to if you plan on coming so the group will know how many to expect!

Saturday Evening (5/17/08): Breakaway '08 - 5pm - 11pmish - We will be leaving from Integrity's parking lot @ 3:30pm for Hines Chapel (McLeansville, NC). Mike Minter (Carolina Panthers) will be speaking. Four great bands will be playing. This event is free and the first round of concessions will be free too! Please RSVP to if you plan to attend so we can have the right transportation available!

Saturday Evening (5/17/08): Frontline Show! 6pm - 11pmish- for those looking for something more edgy, Frontline has partnered with First Platoon Industries to put on a concert @ ICC! Bands include My Epic, Sophia and 3 other great bands. Cost is $7 at the door.

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FSM Enters the Blog World

Frontline Student Ministries Filed Under: Labels: , ,

Frontline has "owned it's own domain" for years now. You can visit us @ However, recently, as Pastor of Student Ministries, I can't help but wonder if the money for that site wouldn't be better spent elsewhere. I am going to experiment with free stuff like Google, YouTube, Blogger (didn't I just say the same thing over and over there?). Your input would help with the decision greatly!

If we had a Google Calendar (Linked to the right), our photos on PicasaWeb (look over there to the right), Videos on YouTube (Check the FSMtv the right), and all kinds of updates here, would it be enough communication to do away with the somewhat costly site parked at right now. The blog will automatically be sent to my Facebook so FB users can see when things are being updated. People can link to the calendar and keep up with things themselves.

Comments appreciated.

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